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The Duchess


The first pet we had was a cat - Mikey - a tough little guy - all black. I'll never forget the time we came home and found him in our Christmas tree. He attempted to climb it, but he fell through and got tangled up pretty badly instead. I thought we were going to have to cut his leg off! We had to slowly dismantled the tree with him screaming, clawing, biting, howling and crying the whole time. I should have put on the kitchen mits before attempting to release him as I still have scars! Finally, we managed to set him free. And he never said thank you.

The Duchess

But by far my most favorite pet was "The Duchess." I had just lost my cat, Roger, to diabetes. My boss couldn't believe that anyone could remain catless for too long so she gifted me with a stray she found in her neighborhood. I reluctantly accepted her (who can say no to their boss). But then - surprise! She was pregnant! Needless to say, her name became Mama Cat. She produced 5 adorable kittens. I was able to have them all adopted, but the runt stole my heart so I had to keep her (and Mama Cat, of course).

Duchess was so cute - a bit puny - but she had an adorable round face and she was a beautiful gray. We would tease Mama Cat by removing all the kittens, one by one, to another room so we could watch her retrieve them. But she always left little Duchess right where we put her and never took her back to the safety of her cat box. That settled it! Duchess was never going to be abandoned again. She stayed with me for about 22 years. Her only bad habit....waking me up early so I could prepare her breakfast. It was either whiskers scratching my face or she would walk on my head. Other than that, she was the perfect little kitty. I actually miss her!


Feb 16, 2019

Ha! Ha! Always the jokester! (Duke is a stuffed cat, kind of a memorial to Duchess).


Feb 16, 2019

I thought Duke was your favorite cat...

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